What’s in a name?

Madam Seeker
2 min readJun 3, 2021

I have a certain shortcoming — my constant desire to experiment with new things. No, don’t get me wrong, that isn’t the shortcoming; it is my habit to leave these projects undone and in most cases, keep sleeping on my plans until the time my mind conjures up new dreams.

But why am I telling you all this? It is because this very blog was such a project too. I woke up one day, agitated, dissatisfied with not doing enough and I created my profile on Medium. I thought I would be consistent with my posts. I wanted to share my life stories and learnings— just humble posts—nothing technical or glamorous. I thought, perhaps, this was my chance to stardom. 48 hours later, I forgot about it. Fast forward to a few days ago; I received an email. I had 2 followers on Medium! I was surprised. I was overwhelmed. And I was confused to say the least.

This post is dedicated to those 2 people who gave me the courage to not give up on my dream just this once. I thank you, Susan Lee and Lynsey Johnson! :)

This post is also to introduce myself to all my future readers.

Hello! I am a 28-year old woman who decided to call herself Madam Seeker. What’s in a name, right? Well, there’s a bit to more to this name than you would think. It is inspired by my quest for spiritual seeking, my continuous search to find the eternal truth. It is also partly influenced by my desire to play as the seeker in a Quidditch team. Sadly though, years have passed and it appears that my Hogwarts letter got lost in the mail. Maybe the Ministry of Magic (or its equivalent) in India is as corrupt as the Ministry for Muggles and things are always lost in the process. I guess we will never find out.

But, what I can help you find (at least I’ll try to) is a little joy and meaning through my posts. As I take baby steps towards making one dream a reality, I ask for your companionship. And as we move forward, I promise you moments of laughter, tears, gratitude, introspect and self-growth. So, stay tuned!

P.S. I have three followers now. Mic-Check Newsletter: Welcome on board!



Madam Seeker

Lawyer by the day (and night). A seeker throughout. 🌼 I post about my experiences, learnings and daily musings.